Sunday, March 31, 2013

Family Picture

Egg Hunt at Brian's

Egg Hunt

Egg hunt at Brian's, Annabelle did not like walking in the grass so she didn't do that well.

Easter Eggs

Here are the dyed eggs the me, Doug, Annabelle, Brian, Max and Oliver did.

Annabelle's 1st Easter Egg Dying

I think Doug is ready for more

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

More walking she getting pretty good at it


Part of the reason it was hard to take pictures of Annabelle was because she kept rocking in the chair

10 month old pics

It is much harder to take pictures of her

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Annabelle walking

Annabelle is getting much better at walking

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Art museum

This was Annabelle's favorite piece of artwork by far. She actually looked at for a long time. Probably because it is so big


The sizzling is loud in the background but Annabelle said daddy. She will copy me every now and then

Annabelle and Doug playing

Annabelle is getting closer to walking

Annabelle playing catch

She got distracted quick in this one