Just thought I would attache a picture of our room showing the two tiny beds we had, it was a classy hotel.

This is one of the main streets in Oxford
This is one of the Colleges at Oxford
This is one of the Churches at Oxford

We did stop by to look at Buckingham Palace

We did try to watch the changing of the guard at the Windsor Castle but I was too short to see over everyone so I didn't really see anything.

This is one of the main streets we walked around at night, there were a lot of people.

This was in the area where all of the theaters were.

These are the doors to St. Paul's Cathedral, they were enormous.A picture inside of St Paul's Cathedral, Doug had to be careful since pictures were not allowed.

This is one of the grave stones in St. Paul's I think it is weird that they have graves under the floor where people walk. I don't really like walking on dead people.

This is the actual Tower of London Building

This is inside the Westminster Abby (another place you are not supposed to take pictures)

Another photo in Westminster Abby

This was at the Natural Science Museum, we thought is was interesting that they actually had a life sized example of a whale.

This is the Rosetta Stone we saw at the British Museum
That was our trip, we had a really fun time. It was tiring as you can see when went to a lot of places so by the end of the day I was very tired. I have recovered now my body is getting back to the normal schedule.